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Transnational Project Meetings are organised gatherings where partner organisations involved in the project convene across borders. These meetings are instrumental in planning, coordinating, implementing, and evaluating the RIM Project.

Benefits for Participating Organizations:

  1. Enhanced Collaboration: These meetings foster a stronger synergy between partner organizations, ensuring a shared vision and effective project implementation.

  2. Skill and Knowledge Exchange: Partners can share best practices, methodologies, and experiences, enhancing the capacity and expertise of each organization.

  3. Cultural Exchange: Meeting in various participating countries promotes cross-cultural understanding, broadening the perspectives of participants.

  4. Improved Project Management: Regular face-to-face interactions can clarify doubts, streamline objectives, and ensure the alignment of tasks with the project’s goals.

  5. Networking: Organizations can expand their professional networks, potentially leading to future collaborative opportunities.

  6. Increased Visibility: Taking part in these meetings can raise an organization's profile, promoting its activities and outputs to a wider audience within the Erasmus+ community and beyond.


Work meetings with experts are meticulously planned assemblies that involve specialists both from the project partner organizations and external domains. Organized across all project partner countries, the primary objective of these meetings is to gather comprehensive information on post-traumatic stress. The diversity in expertise ensures a holistic collection of knowledge, spanning topics such as the symptoms, manifestations, assessments, and management of post-traumatic stress.

Key Highlights:

  1. Collaborative Expertise: By bringing together internal and external specialists, these meetings ensure a rich tapestry of insights and perspectives, making the discussions more comprehensive and informative.

  2. Eclectic Knowledge Gathering: Due to the varied specializations of the participating experts, the information collected is diverse, catering to different facets of post-traumatic stress.

  3. Cross-border Insights: Conducted across all project partner countries, these meetings ensure that regional differences, cultural nuances, and localized manifestations of post-traumatic stress are thoroughly considered.

  4. Unified Goal: While the knowledge pool is vast and varied, the common objective remains: understanding post-traumatic stress in its entirety, facilitating better assessment and management strategies.


Focused on a deeper understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within military circles, dedicated meetings are organized involving representatives from specific military associations across Italy, Cyprus, and Romania. These associations, namely the Italian Asoomilitari Association, the Cyprus Military Association, and the Association of Active Military, Veterans, and Disabled Veterans in Romania, offer a direct insight into the perception of military personnel regarding PTSD.

Objective & Execution:

The principal aim is to garner a nuanced analysis of how PTSD is perceived and its effects on military personnel. This will be achieved by:

  1. Direct Dialogues: Engaging members from the project's partner organizations in direct conversations with military members from the aforementioned associations. These dialogues will delve deep into the effects and implications of PTSD on military personnel, revealing first-hand experiences and perceptions.

  2. Conclusive Session in Romania: The final activity, set in Romania, is pivotal. This meeting will aggregate the findings, discussions, and conclusions drawn from the expert debates across all three countries. Furthermore, the perceptions and expectations of the military from the three associations will be assessed and integrated.

  3. Strategizing for Future: This culminating session's ultimate goal is to distill the vast amount of information and insights gathered through these activities. Based on the final conclusions, a strategic plan will be drafted, outlining the next steps towards realizing the project results.


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